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Titling and registering your tiny house on wheels (THOW), can be complicated. It varies by each state so please check your local state requirements, but here’s some help to get you started.
So, do tiny houses have titles? Tiny Houses on Wheels (THOWs) do have titles for the trailer. There are different ways you can register your tiny house and it varies depending on the use and if it is certified.
My husband and I have been living tiny for several years now and I know the legality of living tiny is complicated. We have had a tiny house in 5 different states (so far!) and they are all a little different. But here’s some information to get you started on your journey.
This information applies to what we have learned and researched in the United States of America, and it will likely be different if you live in another country.
I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Please consult a lawyer if you have concerns about the legality of your living situation.
Your Tiny House Title
Whether you are buying or building your tiny house the trailer will come with a title. This title is only for the trailer, thus the way you register it will dictate how the state sees it. This will act and transfer like a regular trailer title.
The title is what gives you ownership of the trailer and thus the house. You will buy and sell your tiny house based on the trailer’s title. If the title is lost, it is usually fairly easy to get a duplicate one.
For this, you will just need to go to your local DMV and fill out the necessary paperwork for a duplicate title. This can even be done through the mail. There will be a small fee and then they will either hand you a title or mail you one, depending on your state.
You can only do this if the original title is already in your name. If it is not in your name then the previous owner (whoever’s name it is in currently) would have to do this. Be cautious if you are buying a tiny house without a title. It may have a lien on it or be stolen.
I have more information about tiny house titles and how to get a new one here.
Registering Your Tiny House
Registering your THOW is very important. Depending on your state, it may be illegal to live in your tiny house if it is not registered as a certain option. Do your research on your state and make sure you are compliant.
For the most part, registering your trailer is like registering a car. We went into the DMV with our necessary paperwork and registered our trailer as a travel trailer. Some states can have different requirements.
For example, in the state of California, they require invoices, receipts, a Statement of Construction, and potentially more. This is if the trailer is not certified. If you have a certification this will eliminate most other requirements.
If you have built your own trailer (not just the house), the requirements are much different. It will need to be inspected and you will need to apply for a VIN. I would not recommend this unless building trailers is what you do for a living.
If your THOW is certified then you have to register your tiny house as an RV or a Travel Trailer. If it is not certified you can register it as a mobile home, travel trailer. camper, or just a trailer. Again, consult your state laws.
Most places do not allow full-time living in a RV or travel trailer. Most of the time you are not allowed to live in these for more than 6 months. There are exceptions, such as RV Parks. These restrictions fall under state, county, and zoning laws.
A Tiny House Certification
You can get an RVIA or NOAH certification on a THOW. Currently, these are the only recognized certifications in the USA. Having a certification can make your registration process much easier.
But you will have to register your THOW as an RV or a travel trailer. These are not supposed to be lived in full-time. So it will be important to know where you are going to live before buying your home.
As tiny houses grow in popularity, it will likely become easier to live in them. Oregon recently passed a law legalizing tiny houses. And many other states are working on the same thing. As of now, it can be difficult to find somewhere legally to live, and this can also be based on the way you register your THOW.
Moving States: Titling and Registering Your THOW
When you move states you are required to switch your registration and titles for all of your property including your tiny house. In order to legally transport your THOW, it must be up to date on registration.
It can be hard to remember to renew your registration if you live in your house full-time. We think of it as a home and not a trailer, so it can slip our minds to renew the registration on it. Be sure to mark this on your calendar and keep your title AND registration somewhere safe.
It can be extremely difficult to register your vehicle in a new state if your registration is expired or lost. So be sure to keep up with this. It will make all future moves much less stressful.
When you move it is important to switch over all of your information to that state. There are certain situations where you do not need to change your Driver’s License or vehicle registration.
For example, in America, if you are only in that state temporarily for work and you have a residence in another state then you are not legally required to switch any of your information. We have done this before, moved to another state for just a few months for work.
However, if you are relocating you will need to change everything over at the DMV. You will at least need your current state-issued ID, title, registration, and a filled-out DMV registration form. Most states will require additional documents such as a VIN inspection or proof of address.
Almost all states require proof of address with the exception of a few, like Utah. This can be one of the most difficult parts if you are traveling around or living off-grid. I wrote more information on addresses for tiny houses here.
Related Questions
Do I have to pay taxes on my tiny house? If your tiny house is on wheels, you would have to pay property tax on it if your state requires that. This may vary depending on the way you register your tiny house. If you have it registered as a travel trailer and your state charges personal property tax on those, then you would pay tax as well.
Do I need a Bill of Sale with my tiny house on wheels? In most states, it is not required to have a bill of sale to sell a tiny house as long as the title is signed over properly. If the trailer is new, and not used, then it will likely be required by the DMV. However, to avoid certain legal concerns it is highly recommended to always have one.